Susan Goodier

About Susan Goodier

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So far has created 135 blog entries.

154th Annual Banquet and Ball – November 25th 2017

Join us for dinner, ceilidh dancing and an after dinner program featuring Pipes and Drums, Highland Dancers and Scottish Fiddlers.

October Newsletter

Dear St. Andrew’s Society of San Francisco,

Normally I would like to lead off with cheerier news, but the passing of beloved Past President – William (Bill) Campbell Blair on September 21st is what’s on my mind. Fortunately, I had the opportunity of visiting with Bill and his family prior to his passing, so I will …read more>

September Newsletter

Dear St. Andrew’s Society of San Francisco:

I’ll start off the September newsletter and dive right into my report of the weekend to which we look forward each year with anticipation – The Pleasanton Highland Games…the event’s 152nd annual this year. The Caledonian club reminds us that the Games have always gone on – despite World …read more>

August Newsletter

Dear Saint Andrew’s Society of San Francisco:

I don’t know about you, but for me this Summer is going all too quickly – creating mostly good memories as it passes.

As a preface to my Summer update, I would like to first mention briefly the June members’ meeting – to thank Roger Weed for guiding us through …read more>

June Newsletter

Dear Saint Andrew’s Society of San Francisco:

It’s hard to believe that with June’s arrival – we are now almost half way through the year! Although we will be going on recess (meeting-wise) for the Summer months July and August…it promises to be a busy season nonetheless.

Read the June 2017 Newsletter

May 2017 Newsletter

Dear Members & Friends,

Hopefully we’re all enjoying May’s lovely Spring weather. Reflecting back on last month’s meeting – I can’t remember a monthly meeting not being opened by Piper Jek, but such as the unusual case in April. With Jek & Jean away – out of town, we were fortunate to benefit from new member …read more>

April 2017 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends,

It’s been an eventful month – let’s get started… It’s not every week that one gets to have breakfast with a Head of State.  Well, that was my honor this week during First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s Bay Area visit – timed around Scotland week and Tartan Day.

April 2017 Newsletter

March 2017 Newsletter

Dear Members & Friends

Happily, I begin this month’s report with the news that Past President John Allison is free and clear of the cancer for which he had been receiving treatment last year. It was nice to see John & Terry out – at Gerry Sample’s memorial service in February; and then to catch up …read more>

February 2017 Newsletter

Dear Members & Friends
Sadly, I must report the passing of our own dear Gerry Sample who served the St. Andrew’s Society with such commitment and devotion in so many roles for so many years, decades even, including as President (1976 – 1979). Gerry, you will be missed greatly—we wish you Godspeed; and we are here …read more>

Memorial Service for Past President Gerry Sample

It is with sadness and a heavy heart that I must share with you – Past President Gerry Sample has passed away.

The Sample family has also graciously extended an invitation to members to join them at a memorial service for Gerry – a Celebration of Life.

Date: Sunday, February 19, 2017

Time: 2:00 PM

Location: Mill Valley Community …read more>